If you are going for surgery for a lumpectomy for the Before & After Surgery please go to the pages under Mastectomy. The information is going to be the same.
I wanted to include a page just for someone who’s had a lumpectomy because it’s sometimes not discussed with you that there are prosthesis available for this. The focus seems to be more on the individual that’s had a mastectomy. I have seen quite a few women that were not aware that prosthesis were available for this.
Having a lumpectomy, depending on what part of the breast tissue that has being removed can make a very visible difference in breast size & shape. This can deeply impact how one feels about their appearance and well-being.

When fitting someone that’s had a lumpectomy I have a kit that’s available to me that has a variety of different partial prosthesis that are used to help fill in the area that’s been removed. The partial prosthesis can then be worn in a mastectomy bra or held against the skin with a specially designed backing that keeps it in place.
The diagrams below show how these partial prosthesis can be used to fill in different areas.
For further information book an appointment to meet with us to discuss your options.